Erika Lane Enggren


give me a plan
take me away
just us
open road
destination in mind
I’ve always wanted
to be swept to some
far away place
surprised by
and love
where I don’t have to
plan out every step
but you walk
for me
do you ever wonder
if we weren’t here
we could be other people
different pasts
that didn’t haunt
our current
do you ever wonder if
you weren’t you
and I wasn‘t me
we would find each other
in another life
souls speaking over coffee
in Oregon
whiskey in Texas
do you ever wonder
what would have been
if we kept that high
without ever falling down
or is it that the down
makes you see up
so that you always want to
reach for that same sky
the one with the
clearest clouds
that looks like a painting –
in the shape
of us

Find more poetry from issue #1, available in print and digital.

Erin Orr


Jeanne Louise Delahoussaye