Can a Poem Change Someone’s Mind? Motivate Someone to Vote?

Thanks to the collective efforts
of a small international team:

Pansensory Interactive is
launching a goofy, anarchic,
poetic thought-grenade into the world.

Let’s hope it blows up!

Essentially, it’s Abraham Lincoln,
come to life in the form of a giant marble statue,
endorsing Kamala Harris for president—
after first expressing some…
thoughts on her opponent.

In the form of a slam poetry performance by The Poet Heckler.
(the) curious nothing is proud to present:


Watch it now, spread the word and…
Remember, remember the 5th of November, and

Click the link above to learn more about Pansensory Interactive and be sure to share this video with the masses and let’s blow some minds!

You can also find story/reel-friendly sizes of the video and all social media accounts by clicking the link below.

Let’s do this shit!


HATE THE ViEW by Andy Bliss